Refereeing is a great opportunity for young people to be involved in sport, whilst being able to earn some pocket money on the side. KDFRA has an excellent support system in place for its young referees, with coaching, mentoring and training resources available to provide extra assistance for our young referees as they develop their skills. In addition, you will receive additional support from Knox Grammar School, and their KDFRA Representatives.
Referees aged between 14 and 18 will primarily be involved in refereeing junior football matches within the district. In addition, junior referees are encouraged to make themselves available to officiate as Assistant Referees (AR’s) on Men’s and Women’s senior competitions. This is a great opportunity to work with our senior members, and be exposed to a higher level of football in the Association. You will also have commitments to referee school matches for Knox Grammar School.
To become a referee, there is a $190.00 course fee, which includes the cost of becoming an accredited referee, your first year of membership, and also covers all of your uniform and equipment needed. Note that the usual course fee is $290.00, however this has been subsidised by Knox Grammar School.
If you are a new Knox School Referee, and have received confirmation of this from Mr Roche (roches@knox.nsw.edu.au), then please proceed below.
1. Pay Course Fee
New Knox School Referees will be charged $190.00 to complete their Referee Course. As mentioned above, the course fee includes your first year of registration, the cost of your accreditation, as well as your uniform and equipment expenses.
To pay your membership fee, visit KDFRA registration portal on PlayFootball.com.au (click on link); and
Click 'Get started';
Click 'Already Have an Account' and then login using your Email address and Password;
Click 'Continue';
Select the 'New Knox Referee';
Update your contact details if necessary;
You will be required to upload a recent picture of yourself for identification purposes;
Follow the payment prompts
NOTE: If you want to use your Active Kids voucher to part pay for the course, you can do so in the payment section of My Football Club, by placing it in the appropriate text-fill box
NOTE: If you are paying via bank transfer, our bank details are:
BSB: 062 151
A/C No.: 1009 1220
Reference: Please include your surname, initial and ‘Membership’ in the reference
For your convenience, a YouTube tutorial video has been created to assist with this procedure. You can view it below.
Once you have done this, move onto the next step.
How to apply your Active Kids voucher

2. Order Equipment
So that we can get you out on the park refereeing as soon as possible, you need to help us by ordering your uniform as far in advance as possible. We anticipate in supplying you with your uniform at your selected course.
You can order your uniform via our Google Forms link
3. Enrol In Referee Course
Click on the hyperlink below to enrol yourself in the upcoming course. There is a 3 day cutoff to enrol in a course.
Course #1: 26 March 2023 (click here to register)
Note: it is very important that you follow this step so that we can confirm attendance numbers for each course.
*PROBLEMS ENROLLING IN REFEREE COURSES* - if your FFA Number starts with a "1", you may receive a message saying "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." To fix this, you need to click THIS LINK and register for the QMS Education Package. Once you have done this, you should be able to enrol in the course after 24 hours. If you are still experiencing an issue in enrolling in the course, email our Registrar, Jake Cohen at registrar@kdfra.com.au
Once you have done this, move onto the next step.
4. Complete Online LOTG Certificate
It is an FFA requirement that you complete the FFA Laws Of The Game (LOTG) Online Certificate prior to attending a Level 4 Referees Course. The certificate takes at least 4 hours to complete, so please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time to complete this before attending your Course. If this is not completed upon arrival at your enrolled course, unfortunately you will be turned away by the instructors on the day.​
You can complete the Online Certificate via: www.ffa-referees.mygo1.com/p/#/access/enrol?cid=2656010
Please bring a copy of your LOTG Online Certificate to the Course you have enrolled yourself in.

Course FAQs
Q: What time does the course start and finish?
A: The course is set to start at 9:30am and finish at 5:30pm.
Q: Will dinner and drinks be provided?
A: No, you will need to bring your own food and drinks.
Q: Will we be mainly inside or outside for the course?
A: The majority of the course will be run indoors, but please wear comfortable footwear and clothing as we will be doing some practical referee training on the field.
Q: Who do I speak to if I have any questions or issues?
A: Contact our Registrar, Will Abbott at registrar@kdfra.com.au